
Всички свободни позиции

Complaint and Investigation Advisor

Location: ENI Office Luanda
Rotation: 11 months on/1 month off
Category: Finance / Administration / HR
Country: Angola
Reference: D44-416

Key missions

  • Receive complaints from customers through various channels such as phone calls, emails, and online platforms. Document all relevant details of the complaint accurately and thoroughly.
  • Investigate Complaints: Conduct comprehensive investigations into reported complaints, gathering evidence and interviewing relevant parties to understand the nature and cause of the issue. 
  • Analytical Review: Analyze complaint trends and patterns to identify root causes and potential areas for improvement in products, services, or processes.
  • Resolution Management: Develop and implement strategies to address and resolve customer complaints in a timely and satisfactory manner. Work collaboratively with internal teams to find appropriate solutions and prevent recurrence of similar issues.
  • Communication: Communicate with customers throughout the complaint resolution process, providing updates and ensuring transparency. Address customer concerns with empathy and professionalism.
  • Compliance and Documentation: Ensure compliance with relevant regulations and company policies throughout the complaints handling process. Maintain accurate records of complaints, investigations and resolutions.
  • Reporting: Prepare regular reports on complaint trends, investigation outcomes, and resolution effectiveness. Present findings to management and recommend corrective actions as needed.
  • Training and Support: Provide training and support to staff members involved in the complaints handling process, ensuring that they understand procedures and best practices for complaint resolution

Candidate profile

  • Bachelor's degree in economics or engineering with background in ethics or compliance.
  • Proven experience in complaint handling, customer service, or investigative roles.
  • Knowledge of relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards related to complaint handling and consumer protection.
  • Proficiency in English Languege.
  • Problem solving skills.
  • Strong interpersonal skills (honesty, discretion, diplomacy, confidentiality and prudence).
  • Familiar with Microsoft Office.
  • Ability to prioritize and manage a large varied worklaod efficiently.
  • Strong analytical skills and attention to details, insight in analyzing complex data.
  • Enthusiastic with desire to learn and be part of a team.

В Dietsmann сме ангажирани да насърчаваме приобщаваща и разнообразна работна среда, където всеки човек е ценен, уважаван и овластен да допринася със своите таланти. Активно търсим кандидати с различен произход и гледни точки, за да се присъединят към нашия екип, защото вярваме, че това разнообразие стимулира иновациите и ни позволява да обслужваме по-добре нашите клиенти и общности. Насърчаваме хора от слабо представени групи да кандидатстват и да донесат своя уникален опит и таланти в нашата организация. Ако споделяте нашия ангажимент към разнообразието и приобщаването и сте страстни в създаването на положително въздействие, каним ви да кандидатствате и да разгледате възможността да се присъедините към нашия екип.
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